Asset Tracker [Inventory App]

Access the Static Documentation Site Generated by Compodoc

If viewing this file directly from the repository's main README.MD file, visit this app's PRD on Confluence to access:

  1. Requirements and key decisions; and
  2. The URL and login credentials for the compodoc static documentation site (compiled from codebase comments)

Run it locally

To run the documentation site locally, you must first have both node and compodoc installed globally on your machine.

After you've installed both, run the documentation site locally through the following steps:

  1. Clone or download the Asset Tracker directory (repo) into your local machine
  2. Navigate to that directory's location in your terminal
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies listed in the package.json file
  4. Run npm run doc and follow the http://... link provided in the last line returned in your terminal

For additional help, send an email to

Serve a Local Instance of the App

To run the Asset Tracker application locally, you must first have both node and @angular/cli installed globally on your machine.

After you've installed both, serve the app on PORT http://localhost:4200 through the following steps:

  1. Clone or download the Asset Tracker directory (repo) into your local machine
  2. Navigate to that directory's location in your terminal
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies listed in the package.json file
  4. Run ng serve and navigate a chrome browser to http://localhost:4200

For additional help, send an email to

View Additional Documentation

If viewing from the rendered static documenation site, you will find additional resources including this project's discovery artifacts, a historical execution outline, the data schema and endpoint URLs implemented, and preview screenshots, by navigating to their corresponding links listed under Additional documentation in your left-sidebar.

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